How to: Activate your User account, and use ForTheRecord on your phone
The App does NOT need to be downloaded and updated from App stores.
It’s a Progressive Web App that you use from (almost all) modern web browsers. If you have a reasonably recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Safari etc it will run fine.
When your account Admin adds you as an app Useryou’ll receive an email like this below. (NB the invitation only lasts 3 hours after which it may need to be re-sent.
Click on the CONFIRM ACCOUNT button and it will take you to a webpage like this:
You now need to set a PASSWORD of at least 9 letters / numbers after which you’ll see a screen like this:
At the bottom of this page you’ll see a message “Take me back to sign in“. Click on that and you’ll get to this page:
Log in with your email address and the password you set and you’re in !
Add ForTheRecord to your homescreen
The first time you log in you should/may get an offer from your browser to “save to homescreen“. Say yes to this and it’ll place a nice “F” ForTheRecord logo (somewhere) on your phone’s home screen. Tap on this to login next time, you won’t have to enter your password every time.
NB: iPhone’s will only allow “save to homescreen” when using the Safari browser. Android is more accepting of different browsers.
If you have any issues or questions just email us at